Friday, October 15, 2010

Sheople, Parrots, Lemmings, and Other Political Animals


Sheople are persons who act more like sheep than self aware, independently minded, thinking people. Sheople believe and follow whatever popular fashion tells them. They do not think for themselves and left alone, Sheople will haplessly wander into danger for which they are completely unprepared and unable to defend themselves. The nightly news is their guide. Self proclaimed “experts” are unquestioned sages and politicians lead them around by the nose while shaving taxes and freedoms right off their clueless backs. Sheople will happily trot right back out to pasture to graze on propaganda and blissful ignorance until the next election cycles comes and it’s time to be fleeced again.


The political parrot repeats whatever sounds good to them without even thinking long enough to use their own words. Often bereft of actual facts or even the basics elements of an issue, parrots are easily tripped up at the first question for which they have not heard an echoing retort. When confronted with undeniable truth, political parrots resort to repeating their mantra no matter what the question is because it is all they know to do. Flip through the alphabet news channels on TV some time for a laugh. They often repeat exactly the same thing, on every channel like they are all literally reading the same memo. Political parrots are sheople who errantly believe they have found their voice. Trouble is, the only voice they use is someone else’s.


The political lemming follows their friends and family, political candidate, and party blindly no matter where the journey takes them. They never stop to look at where they are going or look back on where they have come from. Political lemmings will follow the next one in line right over a cliff without ever noticing their rapid change in altitude or the sudden stop. Devoid of any concept of direction they insist that everything their party does is in the name of “progress” no matter whether they are going forward towards what the want or racing away from it to their destruction. All the political lemming can see is the back side of the next one in line.

Useful Idiots

Whether the term “useful idiot” was first coined by Lenin, Stalin, or is a product of cold war propaganda, the meaning is still the same. The useful idiot is a progressive socialist sympathizer who thinks they are liked and accepted by the Marxist leaders they look up to, when in reality they are held in contempt and would be among the first people shot in the firing line of a totalitarian dictatorship. Useful idiots are unwitting Trojan horses who are easily manipulated into bringing down their homeland from within and are themselves then tossed aside for the traitors they are. Useful idiots think they are working for the “greater good” when in fact they are only helping give more power to the people using them and are providing an avenue for the enemy to enter and destroy.

Use Your Brain

Use the brain God gave you and don’t be a pawn for power hungry deceitful people. Think for yourself. Question the claims of those who make blanket statements without any examples of history or data. Insist on proof from those who throw out baseless accusations. Re-examine even that which makes sense to you from time to time if nothing more than to remind yourself of history and the sold facts on which you stand. Know what you believe and why or you will be lead astray by the first lying politician that tells you they can improve your life.

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