Happy Depend… “Independence” Day
from the Department of Homeland Security
236 years ago right here in the good ol’ U.S. of A., a few disloyal colonist declared their independence from the crown. It took a couple of centuries, but the people living in the land formerly known as the land of the free and the home of the brave are once again compliant subjects of distant, unelected, unlimited, unrepresentative authority!
Think I’m kidding? Read the government’s own report. Here is a PDF of a DHS study done just this year in January 2012. http://start.umd.edu/start/publications/research_briefs/LaFree_Bersani_HotSpotsOfUSTerrorism.pdf
In case you don’t feel like downloading it right now, just take a few seconds to read a couple of quick quotes from the report here that detail who the DHS considers a suspected terrorist.
“Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism-United States report compiled by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism”
“Extreme Right-Wing: groups that believe that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack and is either already lost or that the threat is imminent (for some the threat is from a specific ethnic, racial, or religious group), and believe in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism. Groups may also be fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation), anti-global, suspicious of centralized federal authority, reverent of individual liberty, and believe in conspiracy theories that involve grave threat to national sovereignty and/or personal liberty.”
The report also list definitions for “Extreme Left-Wing”, “Religious, Ethno-Nationalist/Separatists”, and “Single Issue” groups. Go check out the report if you think any of those might apply to you.
Here is the real kicker. Look back up at that quote above. The word they used to describe what that group does was “believe”. “Believe”, not “commit” or “act” or any other word that would convey action. A belief is just a thought! You don’t have to do anything now to be considered a terrorist. Bottom line is that the federal government sees you not as a citizen who is innocent until proven guilty, but as a potential terrorist and they treat you like that too. If you doubt that, just try taking a leisurely stroll through an airport terminal without submitting to having your 4th amendment right not to be searched or seized without reasonable cause violated. They don’t care about your constitutional rights.
Can you imagine Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, or George Washington letting a TSA agent grab their crotch and demand that they sit there and take while they are searched without consent even though they did nothing wrong? Hell no! They were the DHS definition of “Extreme Right-Wing Terrorist”.
But wait there’s more! Last week the Supreme Court created an excuse for the federal government to force you to do anything they want and make you pay for it to boot. All they have to do is use the magic word “tax” when they really mean “mandate. So says the great and all powerful Chief Justice Judas Roberts. See my last post below for more on that bit of lawless tyranny.
Today, the federal government does not have to enforce or bother to even give feigning respect for your constitutional rights and they can force you to do pretty much anything they want you to do as long as they call it a “tax”. Are you a little overweight? A new gym tax could be in your future. Like a beer with you pizza? You may just qualify for a new HHS alcohol consumption tax. Want to exercise your first amendment right to freedom of religion or speech? TO BAD! Doing so makes you a suspected terrorist. Oh and smile when you look up next time, all that independent thinking just might require a surveillance drone to keep an eye on you.
This is not your grandpa’s America anymore. Just thinking it is makes you a suspected terrorist. Be careful today. Celebrating Independence Day by doing anything more than watching properly licensed fireworks from an officially regulated safe distance at a state sanctioned event is now a terrorist activity.
Happy Independence Day comrades.
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