Thursday, October 9, 2008

History, Words, Character

Hello all and welcome to my very first blog on the world wide web. Wow, I sure hope spell check catches everything :)

Today almost everything we see and hear begins with "lights, camera, action!". Whether it is for simple fun or serious education, someone somewhere has set a stage for it and wants us captivated enough to soak it all up. The airbrushes of Hollywood and TV land are obvious. We know that stuff is fake, right? It doesn't stop there though; news casters, writers, politicians, and preachers alike go to great lengths to make sure you believe them. In the process, we are losing two things of extreme importance; truth and perspective.

Here in my little e-corner of the web I hope to intermittently blurt out a little truth in and amongst my ramblings and shift the camera lens a little for some important perspectives. History, words, and character matter far more than the sensationalism to which we have grown accustom. So lets start by defining some key words. Here goes.

Lie: a purposeful deception of others or self that results in the willful distortion of truth.

… are easier to accept when they are wrapped in pretty words.
… are most believable when they come from a trusted source.
… are hard to ignore when they are repeated often and loudly.
… are best served with a small twist of truth and a smile.
… are eagerly heard by ears that want to hear.
… are quickly adopted by those who do not question.
… are welcomed by those who will benefit.
… are impossible to disprove unless someone speaks the truth.

Those who lie can be very successful and very persuasive. We see them on TV, hear them on the radio, and read about them in books and on the internet. But no matter how sweet it sounds or how impressive the speaker; no matter how loudly or often you hear it; no matter whether you wish to believe it or question why; a lie is still a lie.

Have you been lied to today?
Would you even know it?

Ask questions.
Consider the facts.

Know the truth and you won’t be fooled by pretty lies.


Anonymous said...

Well said my friend. I believe that one of the main problems today, in regards to lying, is situational ethics. I know from personal experience that bosses, and even coworkers, lie me to on a regular basis. Why, you ask? Well it's the "situation." It could be for the "better good." the "company," or some other self serving reason that they have rationalized within their own minds.
We have raised a whole generation, or two, of children in this country that fall for anything, because they don't recognize truth. Sometimes they don't even know how to adhere to the truth themselves.
It's just another byproduct of a narcissistic selfish society.
I, for one, am tired of sugar coated lies being spoonfed to us through the media and the entertainment industry. I do recognize truth and lies, and am offended by the frequent and flippant use of the latter in todays' society.
God help our great nation to get back on track and focus on what's important!

Anonymous said...

OK I'm guilty. Not so much of the lying part, but I'm soooo easy to fool! I want to believe that people are good. I want to believe that things will be better. Its so hard to know when their lying if you have not investigated the truth for yourself... and that takes time.

Anonymous said...

I have long known that the best lie is one that contains some truth. Now it seems that others have discovered this, and use it often, more often than most of us know. We must teach ourselves to search for the truth, because no one seems interested in teaching it anymore. The truth is that no matter how good it sounds, if it isn't 100% true, it is a lie. Someone must alert people to this, so I anoint you the truth teller. Keep it up