Monday, November 22, 2010

Freedom Is Not Free

Freedom Is Not Free

Freedom is not free. It never has been and it never will be. That old saying isn’t just some overused cliché, worn out patriotic banter, or the unsettling mantra of unstable nut jobs. It is the truth. We may be born free and endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, but to keep that freedom, at some point someone must make the conscious choice to deny challenges and attacks on our reasonable, well defined, and traditionally accepted God-given liberties. A partial list of these essential and protected freedoms can be found in the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, The Bill of Rights.

The cost of freedom can range from a proudly paid minor inconvenience to life itself. It can be paid by a soldier, a farmer, a politician, or even a child who instinctively rejects the notion that someone can just come and take what they have.

In our country’s brief 234 years, the United States of America has become world renowned for our unwavering determination to remain free. Our own Declaration of Independence is so revered that it is enshrined right along side our founding Constitution in the Rotunda in Washington DC and memorized by school kids from sea to shining sea. We believe in freedom so staunchly that we have gone to war in other countries on multiple occasions to secure it for others who would have surely died without our help. For all their bravado, dictators and rouge nations the world over know that just one Nimitz class air craft carrier anchored off their shores is an unmistakable reminder of how serious we are about freedom… and we have 11 of them.

Here at home we have worked so hard to secure our own freedoms that if a criminal caught red handed isn’t read his Miranda rights, a simple recitation of words; that they can and do win their court cases and get off Scot free. Criminals routinely win court cases when the details of how police discovered incriminating evidence reveal that there was no warrant issued or probable cause for the search that discovered their crimes. It can get frustrating and ridiculous at times, but we love our freedoms so much that our whole legal system is set up to err on the side of freedom and innocents even if it means that some criminals may go free.

Enter the Transportation Security Administration. In the name of simple public safety, the TSA has defied the 4th amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure without probable cause. They are now conducting electronic virtual strip searches on any and all would be passengers. Those who refuse this violation of personal security are required without option or consent to submit to invasive, morally disturbing, hands-on contact with areas of our bodies so sensitive that most people avoid even talking about them.

Not even small children are immune. People with highly personal prosthesis have been ordered to remove them for inspection. Would you allow a total stranger to put their hands on your 4 year old daughter’s private parts? Would you allow a total stranger to demand that your cancer surviving wife remove her artificial breast? This is what is happening right now in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The TSA is not elected by the people and their policies are not approved by the congress of our representative republic. They are completely unaccountable and answer to no one. We use to call what they are doing now tyranny. We use to call unelected tyrants who abuse their power and show utter disregard for civil liberties dictators. We use to ridicule the Nazi Gestapo officers of WWII for stopping innocent people at check points to demand their papers. Now, here in America, the TSA has one-upped them. After showing official and duly authorized papers, Americans are virtually strip searched and publically inspected like cattle. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

God help us. History has proven over and over that if the barbarians get inside the gates, even the bravest warriors are in grave danger. Once a great society abandons its core principles and beliefs, it’s over. America, we have allowed tyrants and dictators to assume control within the gates. This time, they have done so in the name of security. They even have the word security in their name. Well, Benjamin Franklin had something to say to those without the stomach or spine to secure their own safety and defend their own freedoms. – “Those who would give up a little freedom for a little safety deserve neither freedom nor safety.”

America, the fight is at hand and it does not go well. Freedom is not free. It must be defended. It must be fought for. The longer the price goes unpaid, they higher the cost of redemption. Please pay now. You may not be able to afford it later.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sheople, Parrots, Lemmings, and Other Political Animals


Sheople are persons who act more like sheep than self aware, independently minded, thinking people. Sheople believe and follow whatever popular fashion tells them. They do not think for themselves and left alone, Sheople will haplessly wander into danger for which they are completely unprepared and unable to defend themselves. The nightly news is their guide. Self proclaimed “experts” are unquestioned sages and politicians lead them around by the nose while shaving taxes and freedoms right off their clueless backs. Sheople will happily trot right back out to pasture to graze on propaganda and blissful ignorance until the next election cycles comes and it’s time to be fleeced again.


The political parrot repeats whatever sounds good to them without even thinking long enough to use their own words. Often bereft of actual facts or even the basics elements of an issue, parrots are easily tripped up at the first question for which they have not heard an echoing retort. When confronted with undeniable truth, political parrots resort to repeating their mantra no matter what the question is because it is all they know to do. Flip through the alphabet news channels on TV some time for a laugh. They often repeat exactly the same thing, on every channel like they are all literally reading the same memo. Political parrots are sheople who errantly believe they have found their voice. Trouble is, the only voice they use is someone else’s.


The political lemming follows their friends and family, political candidate, and party blindly no matter where the journey takes them. They never stop to look at where they are going or look back on where they have come from. Political lemmings will follow the next one in line right over a cliff without ever noticing their rapid change in altitude or the sudden stop. Devoid of any concept of direction they insist that everything their party does is in the name of “progress” no matter whether they are going forward towards what the want or racing away from it to their destruction. All the political lemming can see is the back side of the next one in line.

Useful Idiots

Whether the term “useful idiot” was first coined by Lenin, Stalin, or is a product of cold war propaganda, the meaning is still the same. The useful idiot is a progressive socialist sympathizer who thinks they are liked and accepted by the Marxist leaders they look up to, when in reality they are held in contempt and would be among the first people shot in the firing line of a totalitarian dictatorship. Useful idiots are unwitting Trojan horses who are easily manipulated into bringing down their homeland from within and are themselves then tossed aside for the traitors they are. Useful idiots think they are working for the “greater good” when in fact they are only helping give more power to the people using them and are providing an avenue for the enemy to enter and destroy.

Use Your Brain

Use the brain God gave you and don’t be a pawn for power hungry deceitful people. Think for yourself. Question the claims of those who make blanket statements without any examples of history or data. Insist on proof from those who throw out baseless accusations. Re-examine even that which makes sense to you from time to time if nothing more than to remind yourself of history and the sold facts on which you stand. Know what you believe and why or you will be lead astray by the first lying politician that tells you they can improve your life.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Don't Want to Talk About It

Few subjects illicit more defensive denials, offensive accusations, and hard-headed animosity than politics and religion. Why is it that the very people who need to learn about politics and religion the most refuse to hear a word about it? The hands fly up in the primal body language of defense, the head turns away in refusal, and your polite conversation has suddenly turned to confrontation. “I don’t want to talk about it” is the opening response from so many people. Even when someone honestly seeks an answer to learn and openly asks, “Why is this?” many people will only listen up to the point that politics or religion is involved; then the wall goes up. Learning time is over.

To be ignorant of relevant facts is one thing, but to reject them out of hand because you are unwilling to even listen; that is either prideful rebellion or arrogance. It is often both. We don’t want to be wrong. We want to be right. It is the insistence of this ignorant defiance that keeps so many from learning.

I don’t wan to talk about it.
I don’t want to hear.
None of the facts you have for me
Will make it through my ear.

I don’t want to talk about it.
So, just be one your way.
Right or wrong it matters not
You may not have your say.

I was ignorant when we met
And that I’ll always be
I will not listen to your words
Even if I might agree

Yes my eyes are blind
And that is how they stay.
I can not see the mess I’m in
And I’m happy that way.

Good will can not convince me
Disposition matters not
I will not let you help me
Denial is my lot.

So if I ever ask you how we lost
Our freedom and our wealth
Just shake your head in wonder
At my lack of mental health.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Consent of the Governed

The Federal government is no longer a lawful one. Yes, you read that right. Having abandoned the limits of the Constitution and overruled the will of the people and the States, we now live not in a Representative Republic but under a tyrannical Oligarchy. The Federal Government has grossly defied the limits of the United States Constitution and assumed an authority it does not have. With the passing of the unconstitutional mandate that individual citizens purchase (under penalty of IRS tax evasion laws) goods and services (that is what health care is) the House of Representatives and the Senate have abandoned the Constitutional law on which they are based. The President of the United States, likewise, is no longer the executive of a Representative Republic, but a dictator pure and simple. Over the expressed and overwhelming opposition of the people and the States, he has successfully dictated a policy that is foreign to our laws and customs. President Obama is a Dictator and Congress is his politburo.

It is time we remembered and revived the principles on which our country was founded.

From the opening of the Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

As I write this, 12 states (with 26 more preparing to join) have already filed suite against the Federal government over Obama, Pelosi, and Reid's new health care law on the solid ground that it's unconstitutional mandate that all citizens purchase the goods and services of heath insurance exceeds their authority to do so. Furthermore, the new health care law also mandates that the States themselves pay for this exorbitant new entitlement that frankly none can afford at this time.

In defiant insistence on his Health Care legislation, President Obama recently said, "elections have consequences". At least on that matter, he is absolutely right. November of this year, the next round of elections will bring the consequences of dictatorship reigning down on Congress and any plans he has for future dominance. Yes, elections do have consequences. Those who voted for this unconstitutional mandate and reckless expense are about to find out that the same works in reverse.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bart Gordon - Socialist Non-Representative

Bart Gordon is allegedly a U.S. House Representative for Middle Tennessee. He changed his vote from no to yes today on the current health care legislation. Here is the letter I hand delivered to his local office today.

Mr. Bart Gordon,

With your announcement today that you intend to ignore the overwhelming majority of your constituents, the people of Tennessee, and the nation to vote in favor of the unconstitutional health care legislation, you have ceased to be a representative of the people of Middle Tennessee. You are no longer a representative. You are a Washington DC Socialist. Your career will be remembered here as one of complicity in the shredding of the Constitution of the United States of America to which you swore an oath to uphold and defend. You are a traitor to this Republic and to the people of Tennessee.

Currently there are 37 states introducing and or having already passed legislation to protect their citizens from your abuse of power in Washington DC with this abomination of unconstitutional federal tyranny. Tennessee, your previous home state, already has three separate bills before the state legislature to combat your willful act of sedition. From Tennessee’s General Assembly website these bills are:

Rep Lynn HJR 0745 : Constitutional Amendments - Prohibits laws or rules that would compel any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system. - This one is aimed at providing a stronger legal route for the state to sue the federal government.

Rep Maggart HB 2654 / Sen Black 2490 : Health Care - As introduced, prohibits any provision of law from compelling any person, health care provider, or employer from participating in any health care system. - Amends TCA Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71. - This one would stop your mandatory socialist agenda at the state line.

Rep Hill HB 2680 : Health Care - As introduced, prohibits coverage for abortion services under any health care plan required to be established in this state pursuant to federal health care reform legislation. - Amends TCA Title 9, Chapter 4; Title 37, Chapter 10, Part 3; Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 2; Title 56; Title 68 and Title 71. - This would stop you from using our tax dollars to murder the unborn in TN.

You are a disgrace. You have no honor. Your name will forever be remembered here with disgust. Repent of your sins against the people of Tennessee and vote no on this madness and we will at least try to forget you ever held office here.