Friday, March 19, 2010

Bart Gordon - Socialist Non-Representative

Bart Gordon is allegedly a U.S. House Representative for Middle Tennessee. He changed his vote from no to yes today on the current health care legislation. Here is the letter I hand delivered to his local office today.

Mr. Bart Gordon,

With your announcement today that you intend to ignore the overwhelming majority of your constituents, the people of Tennessee, and the nation to vote in favor of the unconstitutional health care legislation, you have ceased to be a representative of the people of Middle Tennessee. You are no longer a representative. You are a Washington DC Socialist. Your career will be remembered here as one of complicity in the shredding of the Constitution of the United States of America to which you swore an oath to uphold and defend. You are a traitor to this Republic and to the people of Tennessee.

Currently there are 37 states introducing and or having already passed legislation to protect their citizens from your abuse of power in Washington DC with this abomination of unconstitutional federal tyranny. Tennessee, your previous home state, already has three separate bills before the state legislature to combat your willful act of sedition. From Tennessee’s General Assembly website these bills are:

Rep Lynn HJR 0745 : Constitutional Amendments - Prohibits laws or rules that would compel any person, employer, or health care provider to participate in any health care system. - This one is aimed at providing a stronger legal route for the state to sue the federal government.

Rep Maggart HB 2654 / Sen Black 2490 : Health Care - As introduced, prohibits any provision of law from compelling any person, health care provider, or employer from participating in any health care system. - Amends TCA Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71. - This one would stop your mandatory socialist agenda at the state line.

Rep Hill HB 2680 : Health Care - As introduced, prohibits coverage for abortion services under any health care plan required to be established in this state pursuant to federal health care reform legislation. - Amends TCA Title 9, Chapter 4; Title 37, Chapter 10, Part 3; Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 2; Title 56; Title 68 and Title 71. - This would stop you from using our tax dollars to murder the unborn in TN.

You are a disgrace. You have no honor. Your name will forever be remembered here with disgust. Repent of your sins against the people of Tennessee and vote no on this madness and we will at least try to forget you ever held office here.

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