Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Moral Solution

The Moral Solution

Why are people so opposed to any solution that involves God or personal morality? Politics, business, and everyday life today is overrun with people clamoring for and offering solutions to problems but virtually every single one is based not on a real solution, but on alleviating the effects of the problems. The root cause is rarely addressed. Symptoms are what get the attention.

Got a problem paying bills because you bought a bunch of stuff you really didn’t need and couldn’t afford? Get a loan and poof!  Your money problem is gone… until the loan is due and then you owe the loan company more than you did before. A lot of cities, states, and even whole nations are facing the same problem right now and they are all following the same model. Get a loan and poof! All our money problems are gone… until the debt is so heavily leveraged that one last little straw brings down the first big domino that flattens everything and everyone in the nation.

Is the crime rate in your town skyrocketing because young men have no fathers at home to teach right from wrong and provide basic direction and correction? Why, those kids just need midnight basketball courts opened up for them to run off all that misdirected energy! More cops and bigger jails come when that fails and the crime problem is simply cuffed and stuffed until they are sprung and flung back out into society. The problem of broken dysfunctional homes and the practically wild kids that grow up to be violent thugs isn’t solved and the cost of it all swamps the city into bankruptcy and drives away businesses and people.

Don’t want to have to be “punished with a baby” (direct quote from Barack Hussein Obama explaining why abortion is a good thing) because you couldn’t control yourself long enough to use protection or *gasp* get a job and get married fist? No worries! The government will not prosecute the selfish murder of your unborn child just to alleviate the symptoms of your problem. Promiscuity and irresponsibility is never given a second thought and the results, like diseases without cures and the deaths of the unborn, just can’t be undone.

There comes a time when treating the symptoms alone, just doesn’t cut it anymore. Too much debt, too much crime, too much disease and death will conspire to destroy a nation from within; all for the want of the moral solution that was rejected. God. We were born into this world with nothing and can’t take a thing with us when we go. None of the stuff we amass, mess up, and chase after holds the solution to our most basic problem. The rejection of God and His basic morality of right and wrong will get us into deeper and deeper trouble the farther we get from God.

We need God. We need a moral direction for the things we do in life. America has forgotten that and we are paying the price. No government program; no amount of bailouts or business incentives are going to fix the mess we have gotten ourselves into because they are only temporary analgesics to the terminal cancer of a society that has traded it’s faith and dependence on the providence of the Almighty for the degenerative spiraling tyranny of government. Return to God America. Return to the moral solution.


JMD said...

Your points are right on. Our solutions will always fail. No amount of laws, public assistance nor acceptance of mis-guided individuals will be the solution. If that were true we should be there by now.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding blog, my friend.

Sleeping Giant